Air stone ok?


Is it ok to put an air stone in a reef tank. The tank is 10 gallons and I plan on putting one fish in it and some corals. The air stone is long and creates a bubble curtain along the back of the glass.


Active Member
Well yes and no. It won't hurt anything. BUT keep in mind how a skimmer works. It creates micro bubbles to capture particles and float them to the top. Hence your bubble curtain. You may get foaming at the top of your tank. Keep in mind also as those bubbles burst at the top they do spray water and thus you will probably develop a healthy salt creep on your tank back. Maybe if those bubbles fed to a top on your tank that would curb that problem.
Its entirely up to you but thats what will prbalby happen.


Active Member
not a good idea, especially with many inverts, including seahorses corals and sponges. bubbles and air are lethal to them, it is also rumored that bubles can be a problem with fihs(not 100% sure but it is rumored). another drawback is the salt creep as mentioned.


why would the airstone hurt the inverts of corals? Also if I keep the salinity of the tank constant will it be okay?


Active Member
It hurts inverts because they trap the airbubbles in their system and the bubbles end up killing them. If you plan on keeping corals i would not use the airstone. Just fish then ok.... If you think about it bubbles just don't exist in vast quantities if at all in the ocean.


Active Member
if a coral ingests a micro bubble it has the same effect it would in us....embolsim! not good!
good luck


Active Member
and air cannot touch sponges at all, IT WILL KILL THEM guarenteed
and it really screws up the bouyancy of seahorses


Active Member
bad expierience with one.. i had an air stone in my tank and horseshoe crabs.. the bubbles got under its shell and lifted it up to the surface.. killing him :(