Air stone or power head


Hey got a question. I have the air stone that makes the bubles in my tank I also have a power head for the surface. ( im going to get another one.) do I need the air stone at all?
I have been seeing post that say it's not need. Just want to be sure.


Active Member
Go with the powerheads ..... airstones aren't good in saltwater tanks. Besides adding to saltcreep build up, to many bubbles aren't good for the fish.


people are always trying to cut down on the number of bubbles getting in to their tanks, not increase them.


Active Member
Bubbles are not going to hurt anything. Most of the reef is always being saturated with bubbles from the waves. Besides the saltcreep and the noise of the airpump you can go with either one. Powerheads do move water from one end to the other but airpumps move water from the bottum up to the surface better. Saltcreep is the biggest issue and possibly eveaporation. I had both for a few years and then removed the airstones because it was just to much stuff in the tank and made it look really busy.


Active Member
I disagree. The bubbles can pose problems for the health of the tank. I know there are bubbles in the ocean, but the ocean has alternating currents which prevent the bubbles from staying in the same place.
Bubbles in an aquarium tend to gather on the undersides of the live rock and stagnate. The gas inside can become toxic, posing a danger to the critters, and causing a zone of dieoff on the rock. h*


Active Member
Maybe, if you have the bubble stone under the rocks but in the corners or in the open they serve the sole purpose of moving water.


I spoke to my LFS consultant yesterday. I know what alot of people say about LFS but this store is soo different. although the fish are pricey The selection is out of control and this guy there should be working at sea world. Anyway Im getting rid of the air stone and get another powerhead. He said I could take one put it at the bottom of the tank in the corner and point it upwards or just put it on the otherside of the tanks. anyway I love to go the is store on my lunch break it's more like a small aquarium then a fish store. Yesterday when i when They had the Biggest lion fish I have ever saw in my life. I took pictures and will post as soon as i can figure out how to do it!


I'm kinda doubting whether or not I should use my powerhead. I have only a 30 and the thing was jetting water like no tomorrow. Maybe I'll use it just while the rocks are curing.
Any input?


I've seen 2 powerheads in a 6g. If the current bothers you, get a smaller powerehad!
Have you ever felt the current in the ocean (not the beach but the ocean) it's pretty fast.


Active Member
A 30 gallon reef tank needs 600 to 750 gallons per hour flowing throguh it. My guess is your powerhead is 150 gallons per hour at most. Although the intense flow for a reef tank seems insane at 1st, it is necessary and beneficial.