Air stone


Well-Known Member
I have one in mine. It adds current and h2o. The down side is that it adds in salt creep. But it's not horrible


Well-Known Member
No air stone ever...the tiny bubbles somehow affect the SW fish...if you insist on an air line (100% not necessary) do not put an air stone on it.
The only SW tank that "needs" an airline are seahorse tanks. It does not add current, and it does not add H2O...that's water. As for salt creep +1000


Well-Known Member
Lol ok now I've seen you post against air stones before. Yet I've always used them and have never had any ill effects from it. Even the creep I get isn't that bad. Gas exchange is a big thing w sw and the air stone forces air and water from the bottom of the tank to the surface. In essence exchanging the gases.


Air stones are fine in SW, however, whenever we need an airline, we simply drop a piece of open-ended rigid airline into the area required and that's fine.
I believe what Flower is thinking is regarding gas bubble disease, which is not caused by bubbles in the water, but rather supersaturation of gas within the water itself. Air stones do not really add much gas to the water, as each bubble has its own surface tension (otherwise they wouldn't be bubbles). What an airstone/airline does do is bring water up from the lower part of the tank as well as adds surface turbulance, which promotes gas exchange (CO2 for O2) at the surface of the water, as jay mentioned.