air stones

I want to add air stones to my tank. It's 125gal aggressive. I noticed that I don't see many air stones in pictures of saltwater tanks. Why is this? I want to know the pros and cons of air stones. I also would want to know if you think I should add any to my tank.

mr . salty

Active Member
Unless you REALLY,REALLY like the look of bubbles in the water,you shouldn't add them.They just cause more problems than they are worth.When all these bubbles pop at thw waters surface they spray salt on your lights.Or if you have a glass lid it becomes caked with salt residue.It will also greatly increase evaporation....
Dont add them... Mr salty is right on the button there. My wife had me add 2 bubble wands to the back of our 55. man after about 2 weeks the salt was leaching over th back of the tank and down. Lost about 1 1/2 gallons of water a day and the lighting fixtures were just caked with salt.. Heed my warning friend do not do it ;)


Active Member
I agree with Mr. Salty on both accounts (surprise, surprise :rolleyes: ) I have a smallish bubble wand in my tank, and yes, I do have to clean the class in my canopy about once a week, and yes evaporation does seem a bit higher than it should be... but for me, it's the best way to churn the water surface... thus preventing that film buildup that is rather common. It also helps promote good gas exchange at the surface.


Active Member
Fine bubbles and saltwater fish apparently don't mix. Fish can develope some internal bubbles along the eye lids which apparently is exasperated by small fine bubbles. If you use an air stone which produces larger bubbles( I do ) and yyou can handle the salt creep, it's a good way to promote surface gas exchenge.

mr . salty

Active Member
A much more efficient,and cleaner way to get surface gas exchange is with a simple CHEAP powerhead.Just point it so it churns the surface.