Air stones


Is it necessary to run air stones in your tank. I dont like all the bubbles in the tank and I have read that if the bubbles are small enough it could cause eye problems for the fish. Would I be alright if I didnt run an airstone?
92 Gallon Bow Front
75lbs of crushed coral and dolomite base
600 GPH hang-on filter
100lbs of decorative rock
2 Regal Tangs
3 Percula Clowns
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Red Reef Crab
3 Red Hermits
no you dont need to run air stones in the tank. i do because i like the look of it. just make sure you have plenty of circulation and good surface agaitation for good gas exchange.


If you don't mind cleaning up the excessive salt creep that comes with using air stones in SW, then add one if you like how they look.