air stones

college kid

Say I was wondering what is the best way to put air into your dt. I am using air stones right now, but on everyone elses pics I never see anything like that. What would everyone recommend me doing?


Active Member
Originally Posted by college kid
Say I was wondering what is the best way to put air into your dt. I am using air stones right now, but on everyone elses pics I never see anything like that. What would everyone recommend me doing?
Air stones are not recommended for SWF, due to the fact there have been instances of aur bubbles getting traped inside fishes gills. you will get all the water/air exchange via a protein skimmer or mechanical filatration or surfance agitation via power head.

college kid

Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Air stones are not recommended for SWF, due to the fact there have been instances of aur bubbles getting traped inside fishes gills. you will get all the water/air exchange via a protein skimmer or mechanical filatration or surfance agitation via power head.
I have a canister filter coming back in and a protien skimmer, so I don't need anything else?


Active Member
Originally Posted by college kid
I have a canister filter coming back in and a protien skimmer, so I don't need anything else?
The protein skimmer should provide plenty of air to the tank. But a powerhead to move the water surface is allways a good thing like earlybird and MHL said.


I like the look and sound of the bubbles in my aquarium, i do have 2 poweheads also. i buried the stones under my rock and put shells acrosst the air lines. i think it looks cool.
its all about personal preference


Active Member
there are a few confirmed bad things about bubbles stones in marine aquaria, the most important three being{note this is my opinion that these are three the most important},
1they are inssufficient for aeration purposes,
2in a reef tank with proper flow the smaller bubbles tend to blow every where trapping pockets of gas under rock in hole in rock and so on, wich can lead to die off of air sensitave organisms in your tank.
3 the bubbles trap and carry protiens upward depositing them on the suface of the tank, reducing gas exchange.