

I think I already know the answer to this question, but is it ok if I put in a air stone in my 10gal FOWLR tank? I just set it up lastnight, so its in the cycle.
Thank you,


I honestly don't know when its ever a bad idea to put in an air stone. Does your filter not add enough oxygen itself? What kind do you have?


Im sure it gets enough flow...I'm using a whisper 20-40 gall for my 10 gallon. Im sure there is enough. Just like the look and sound of bubbles...does it help or hurt the tank?


It will increase oxygen levels for sure. It can't hurt the tank. If you like it, then throw it in and enjoy! Personally, since my tank is in my room, I can't stand the sound of bubbling water, lol, but go for it.


While airstones tend to work well with fresh water tanks, they are not that efficiant or healthy for a saltwater tank and its inhabitants. Saltwater contains little oxygen, adding an airstone does not add any extra oxygen to the tank. Surface aggitation is the best way to go for air exchange. When you do add fish an airstone can be deadly. While not that common there are several reportings of the bubbles created getting stuck into the gills of a fish, ultimitly causing the fish to die. If you do a search on this board you should be able to find some additional and more spacific info.


The fact that a bubble would kill a fish is ridiculous. And anyway, adding an air stone would cause surface agitation, therefore increasing oxygen levels... I'm not quite sure why this guy's so worried about it. Don't let him scare you about it. It'll be fine.


If you want to deal with an excesive amount of salt creep from the bubbles poping above the surface and splashing onto your lights or other equiptment than go for it. Expect to clean this daily. The bubles produced from the airstone traps protiens and takes them to the surface, creating a overall reduced air exchange = less oxygen into the tank which totaly defeats the purpose of the stone in the first place. Powerheads and the amount of flow are crucial to proper tank health and oxygen flow, thats the reason why they are way more popular than air stones.


That's preposterous. Any agitation of the surface will break apart the proteins on the surface, and constant agitation wold make the surface more likely to cause gas exchange. But don't take my word for it, I'm only majoring in marine biology....


And not only that, it's not being added for the purpose of increasing oxygen levels. He enjoys it. Josh, there are those on here that have this sense that there is only one way to do things, and its not the case. If you want an airstone, then by jove, put one it. It won't hurt anything. It won't kill your fish. And it won't reduce oxygen levels. It might not help as much as your filter, but it won't hurt it. Just enjoy the bubbles.


Active Member
I have read all these threads in here on not to use air stones in a salt water tank.Yes, they do make a mess if your light are close to the water it will get all over them.I have used a air stone befor I read all this stuff in this web site and I can tell you in the 10 year having fish and 7 with coral I have never lost a fish from air bubbles.I was thinking about removing it after reading in here but like I said I have never lost a fish from it.


it is rare but can happen. Im not saying it will, just saying that it is a possibility. As long as the airstone is not the only source of gas exchange than you should be ok. Im sorry, I missed the part for looks rather than efficiency.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MeleeRock
While airstones tend to work well with fresh water tanks, they are not that efficiant or healthy for a saltwater tank and its inhabitants. Saltwater contains little oxygen, adding an airstone does not add any extra oxygen to the tank. Surface aggitation is the best way to go for air exchange. When you do add fish an airstone can be deadly. While not that common there are several reportings of the bubbles created getting stuck into the gills of a fish, ultimitly causing the fish to die. If you do a search on this board you should be able to find some additional and more spacific info.
I agree
Airstones look like they do much more than they actually do. Oxygen is brought into the tank at the surface, the airstone will agitate the surface and help this, but there should be plenty of water movement caused by skimmers, powerheads, filters, or whatever. This is why a long or wide tank can hold more fish than a tall one of the came capacity.


Active Member
Airstones don't add much if any oxygen, you can always add a small powerhead if you wish but that filter should be fine, I have the same version on a 30 gallon.


I love how everyone has turned this from a "I like bubbles from airstones, will it hurt the tank?" to a "Do airstones increase oxygen levels? If not, what would?"


jden092901 - Im sorry the post ended up like this. I say go for it. The filter you have puts out 210 gallons per hour, a 21 times turnover rate. This is a good number. If you like it for looks, why not?