akay akay akay I give up-- ID please


Picked two of these guys up at my local distributor -- he didn't know what they were, but thought they were in the chromis/damsel/clown family.
I've watched them for 4 months now, they behave like that family of fish, but I can't find them anywhere. In the photo he's a little bleached, during the day they're jet black.
They have grown from about 3/4" to what you see now, almost 2 1/2". They eat beautifully, and are not agressive. Anyone have a positive ID on this species? The soldierfish in the photo is 3" long.
Thanks :)


Active Member
I don't know exactly but it could be a charcoal damsel Pomacentrus brachialisor, That is the only thing i could come up with and i really don't think thats it, but you never know


Yeah, the soldierfish (bigeye) is not a mystery, him I have the exact species on :)
I'm still searching for the correct species of the black fish :)


Ty-05 I checked out the species you suggested, its close, but as you said, not exactly right .
Still searching!


Not sure but it can be chromis chromis, do a google search, maybe it can be? But they re not excectly tropical- sub-tropical, in the summer, they visit the Turkey (dont know if they re still in Turkey in winter??? I dived with them and they are very nice looking fish, if u ve a chromis chromis, very nice, they school very good, one never left the school


The darker one does look like some kind of Chromis. The other definatly is a big eye soldier (squirrl fish).