alage taking over my tank?!?!?


hey people,
i have the 29g oceanic biocube and there is brown stuff all over my sand and live rock..... what u think it is? my lights come on 6:30 am and go off 6:35 pm is that ok? what should i do? ohh and i got a lil puffer and he bites my feather duster
i try to feed hime pretty good so he doesnt do that any advice?


this is very ci=ommon its a diatoms bloom and your tank is still to new for a puffer and any other life except maybe for a cleaning crew. Also the puffer is going to go after til he eats it this is natural food for them and should of never been housed together. DO YOUR RESCREACH FIRST PLEASE.


Active Member
reduce the lighting schedule and make sure u hv enought flow. the puffer will eat any inverts u buy. having a cleanup crew will help but the puffer is there.


he hasn't....... he pretty nice now since i been feeding him real good and the feather duster is fine :D