Algae = Ammonia = Death = Crash = HELP!


Ok, here it goes - {we have/had a 55 gallon with 2 clowns, a 6-line wrasse, a lawnmower blennie, a yellow tang (I know, I know), 4 peppermint shrimp, 1 orange linkia, 1 serpent star, 1 brown cucumber, red, green, striped and blueberry mushrooms, hairy mushrooms, ricordia, large feather duster, pulsating xenia, palm tree xenia, something that's a bunch of tiny green xenia type things that shrink back into almost nothing, sun polyps, blastomussa, and a little leather - plus snails and hermits}
About 4-5 weeks ago our red algae outbreak had to be stopped. :mad: We had cleaned all the rocks, done water changes, increased water flow, and nothing was helping (parameters read ok, just had algae everywhere). So I checked around on this site and ended up going the Maracyn route. Probably shouldn't have done that, but what's done is done. After a few days of Maracyn (2 days 2 tablets a day, 3 days 1 tablet), we did a water change. The Maracyn seemed to stress the corals a bit, but the algae was gone! A few days later, algae still gone, corals on the re-coop, but almost all corralline bleached. Every rock seemed to have a gray/brown dust on it. So at the end of that week, another water change. Then we went on a 1 week vacation and set up the auto feeder (we could find NO ONE to check on the tank). Back from vacation, the corals were looking bad, the pulsating xenia's were completely gone, the feathers of the feather duster were on the opposite side of the tank as the dusters tube, two shrimps were missing, and the serpent star was stiff and on his back.
We removed him and did another water change (6 gallons). I checked the water 1 week ago and found all parameters good, except ammonia was almost OFF THE CHARTS!
I immediately used AmmoLock and started making some new water. 24 hours later we did another 6 gal. water change and added StressZyme to help the biofilter get back to work and then checked a day later - Ammo still holy high, and one shrimp totally missing and one siezuring (he's gone now). Tonight we plan on a 10 gallon water change, using StressCoat and/or StressZyme. The leather looks like a shriveled dehydrating orange, the mushrooms (those that still exist) are tiny and shriveled, and the sun coral is mostly bleached. The only things that seem to be doing great are the fish, the cucumber, the palm xenia, and the green xenia/polyp things. Any suggestions? :help:


Well-Known Member
you should have used plants. This is why i keep emphasizing the use of plants. These side effects are all too commmon.
IMO the tank would have been better if you had done nothing. red algaes even cyano bacteria is still filtering your water.


So would you suggest I get some macro algae's for the tank? I don't have a refuge (and don't want to set that type of thing up right now).
I forgot to mention I also have a yellow tree gorgo and a lil' purple gorgo, yellow's doing alright, but the little 3" purple is almost gone.


Hopefully you used Maracin II for freshwater, and it sounds like you didn't, as this stuff is not supposed to disrupt and kill the beneficial bacteria harboring in your tank. From what I learned in past personal experience regular Maracin kill every type of bacteria, including the cyano and beneficial, and leaves you at square one with a 'dead' tank. Sounds to me like you're going through full cycle again and it might be a good idea to find a temporary home for your critters and let your tank do its' full cycle thing again.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by aliciak
So would you suggest I get some macro algae's for the tank? I don't have a refuge (and don't want to set that type of thing up right now).
I forgot to mention I also have a yellow tree gorgo and a lil' purple gorgo, yellow's doing alright, but the little 3" purple is almost gone.

sounds like my purple. got a yellow on ---- and they included a purple as "free". In a week is was almost gone. But a month later the 30% remaining is still there and the polyps are always extended.
Yes I always recommend plant life. the red in my tank seems to come on when the nitrates are down. I also have an external fug and can understand you not wanting to mess with that. I recommend you do a simple in tank refug or culture the macros in another tank to preserve them. Then transer them to the display as the grow out in the culture tank.
Getting the plant life started and established will insure nitrates, phosphates and carbon dioxide are at the lowest possible values. And they filter out heavy ions as well.
BTW Hope I did not come accross as not caring before. I feel your loss. I lost several fish until I added macros to my display. Sorry you had the bad experiences also. A lfs here recommended an antibiotic for some red slime. It got rid of the slime and killed a coral as well. Additionally, another poster tried something to lower phosphates or nitrates. Seems the product was later pulled from the market because it also lowered oxygen. They lost all their fish.
To me the very positive affects of living plant life are much better than any additives that could evey be produced.


hey alicial! i had a simular problem,but i lost a few fish
i used Chem-Marin Aiptasia in my 100 gal tank did like the directions said, and still lost some of my corals and a few fish. so i did a 20 gal water change, added marine max disease pereventive and stress coat, then my tank got worse,so i did another water change 20 gal, added the chemicals again, problem worsened. so i did another water change w/o chemicals,my tank started looking better right away, i waited 4 days and did the same thing water change, 20 gal, and my tank is back to normal. i think what was happening was one chemical was over reacting the other, like mixing amonia and blaech together, you get a chemical burn. i don't really know if this was what was happing or if thats what is going on in your tank, but maybe try not putting anything in it. hope this helps