Algae, At witts end

jeff s

New Member
Tank is nearly one year old, for the past 6 months I have been battling hair algae. I trim it and it seems to reapear in no time. I also get a dusting of powder green on the glass every day. My tank conditions are the following:
Water Temp: 78-80 degrees
PH: 8.3
Nitrates: approx. 5
Phosphate: 0
65 gallon tank with 90 lbs. live rockand 5" dsb. 20 gallon sump, and 20 gallon refugium with 4" dsb.
Stocking: 3" Hippo Tang, 2 false percs, 2 banghi cardinals, 1 royal gramma, 1 coral beauty, and 1 lawnmower blenny (won't eat hair algae).
Approx. 40 hermits, 15 snails, 2 fighting conches, serpent star, brittle star, tuxedo urchin (likes coralline better)
Lighting: (2) Actinic 96 watt PC, (1) 6700 K 96 watt PC, (1) 10k 96 watt PC. Lighting duration is 8 hours per day.
Was thinking of trying a nudibranch. I know the stocking is high but I actually have approx. 100 gallons of water in the system. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


i have almost the same probblem, sometimes it starts dying off and i think i 've got it licked and then it regrows bright green again... if you find a solution please let me know
Me too! ANd I have a hard green algae on my glass, down at the bottom. Its almost like a sponge was diped in green paint and then placed on the glass, my algae scrapers will not remove it and it looks like crap! Please let me know of a way to get it off! And the hair algae is almost taken over all my rocks.


Well I dont know but I have had my 55 gal reef for a year and have never seen an algae prob. yet. Oh sure about once a week I use my mag float to get the small green I see, but nothing at all bad. I have had people look at my tank that are salt water addicts themselves and cant believe I have very little algae at all. I really think it is do to the RO water i do (EVERY MONTH). Haven't been at the hobby long but I seem to be doing something right. Hope it helps.


Active Member
if youhave good coraline growth, try and increas it, it willstarve out the other.
Keep calcium up and circualtion too
Also, what types of snails?
YOu definitely need more, 15 is not enough for a 65, and the types should be lots of turbos, some nassarius snails(help with the bed) some stomatella varia(help with the rock) and the turbos wil alsohelp with the rock and glass. Some cerith and bumble bees willnot hurt any either.