algae colors, whats good? whats bad?


Active Member
I have read that basically purple algae is good, green and red are bad.
What about brown?
What colors are good and what colors are bad?


Active Member
purpleish algea is good, most everythging else is bad, brown algea is diomintons (spelled wrong) which is bad, snails and hermits will take care of it


Active Member
yea, the brown is usually diatoms, which are normal for a new tank. not all purple is good, cyano algea is a purplish red, and its not good. coraline algea is good, but comes in a variety of colors, the most common is purple, but there is also blue, orange, neon green, and a few others if im not mistaken.


Active Member
i have somethin yellow goin on around my rocks... is it algae? looks like it... its wierd...


New Member
i have a burgandy colored algae on my tank sides and edge of the sand what is it help. is it good or bad :help: