Algae conundrum


I've got hair Algae.
My Phosphates are 0. However, I have hair algae. I had battled phosphates for a long time and decided to use phosban. Ever since my phosphates have been at zero. Most of the hair has dissapeared. The only hair algae left are the same patches that have been threatining my coral polyps.
My Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, pH, Salinity, and Calcium are impeccable. I do regular (monthly) water changes. I have quite a bit of capulera in my aquarium. I have a protien skimmer and a canister filter. My lights are very new and are only on 8 hours a day. I only feed what the fish can eat in under 3 minutes. I have 3 fish (solar fairy, dispar anthias, and a monocle dartfish).
I am using the Salifert phosphate test.
What do I do now?