algae died why?!!

red crab

I woke up one morning to find my tank water low(which is normal) and the algae almost gone! Not sure why it may have something to do with the test vile spilling in the tank. Its been a week and the fish are fine the coral is fine but the algae is almost gone! Any help would be nice!


Well-Known Member

If I had a test vile spill in the tank I would be doing major water changes just to be safe. Also in the future...get your tank water in a cup and go sit down at a table to do your tests.
If you have algae eaters you may need to supply algae sheets for them to eat until things balance back out.

red crab

i do not have janitor's yet. But the algae is coming back. My heater went as well kill 2 of my chormis! The last one is doing great and eating. I will try getting water from a cup and putting it on a table next time. I did do a 10 gallon water change and the fish where fine until the heater went.