Algae Everywhere!!


New Member
HELP! My tank has been set up for a few months and all corals and Fish are happy but my Tank has Green hairy algae all over the place. I try and take out a lot of it out manually but it is so out of control. I got Black Turbo Snails, Crabs, Hermits, A Sally Light Foot, etc. They may help with the algae but not what I have. Any Suggestions?:rolleyes:


I'd suggest a Lawnmower Blennie. They're really cute and I hear they eat hairy algae like crazy. But I'm just a newbie, what do I know.


Active Member
Have you tested your Phosphates? What kind of water do you use? Nitrate Level?
The hermits will help but you will probably have to keep the hair algae cut back.


New Member
I have not tested my phosphates. I use RO water. All the right stuff..I think. Can Phosphates cause it?


You can see a pic of a lawnmower blennie under the "U-Build It" section of They are on sale right now too! I hear they have lots of personality.


Active Member
The lawnmower blennie is by far one of my favorites but I seriously doubt he will fix the problem. If the algae is out of control you need to determine what is causing it, eliminate the cause and have the algae eaters pickup the leftovers...
Another thing to consider is old light bulbs or improper lighting. With the tank being a few months old this is probably not an issue.
What kind of lighting do you have?


New Member
Lighting is not an issue. I forget the wattage but it is the New Coralife light. Paid 250 bucks for this gimmick. Fans, 2 switchs, blue and regular light on timers. I will get a lawnmower Blennie to help. I am assuming it will eventually end.


has anyone on here used a lawnmower bleenie to get rid of hair algae before? i have a mild case of it right now.


Lm does eat hair algea but not as great as turbos and blue legs. Buy these guys if you have brown and green hair algea bloom. Of course Lm will help keep the hair algea under control and it's a great addition.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by stern1
HELP! My tank has been set up for a few months and all corals and Fish are happy but my Tank has Green hairy algae all over the place. I try and take out a lot of it out manually but it is so out of control. I got Black Turbo Snails, Crabs, Hermits, A Sally Light Foot, etc. They may help with the algae but not what I have. Any Suggestions?:rolleyes:

Each week I harvest some macro algae from my 20g long to my 55g. And there is some green hair algae that comes with it. My yellow tang makes short work of the green hair algae. A ball about 2" in diameter lasts less than 4 hours with the tang constantly grazing in it. If you want a fish hardier and less expensive try mollies. They attack hair algae and clean rocks also. Not as good as the cleaner crew tho.
Introducing lotsa good algae (macro) is the real way to prevent the bad algae. That way you have algae you want competing for the same nutriants as the unwanted algae.
Whatever you do try just cleaning the front glass of the tank. Let the back and sides alone. I think that makes a nice backdrop anyway.


my LMB is getting all fat from eating the hair algea in my tank. I also have a small blue tang and a coral beauty that are constantly grazing as well. I also have a emerald crab and a bunch of bigger snails (turbo?) that eat the hair too. Getting to the source of the problem will be a good idea. Be carelful not to overfeed, and do frequent water changes. The idea is to lower the nutrients avail for the algea to bloom.
I suggest doing a search here on hair algea. You'll find PLENTY to read on the subject.
hth and have fun!


this is pretty sweet the lawn mower blennie is already chowing on the green hair algae thanks guys!!!!!!!!!


well...after a month my Royal Urchin mowed down all the hair algae. Now he's after the coraline algae on the rocks :eek: ....he's going back to the LFS tonight.