Algae Fish


Active Member
snails, urchins, and crabs, depending on hte algae you want to remove
and for fish, a 55 gallon right,
an algae blenny(aka sailfin or lwanmower)


Active Member
i agreewith fshhub that snails and hermits and urchins and whatnot are great at removing algae, and the choice of a lawnmower blenny or bicolor blenny is also excelent for algae removal. My bicolor blenny has the bigges freakin belly from all teh damn algae that he chows on, it is so funny to watch him swim withhis big ol belly!


A Kole Tang will mow your lawn too!
matt rogers
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Active Member
yeah, th koles are neat, i got one, but this is a 55 gallon tank, so i left them out, however, if i were to get a tang(most will anyway) for a 55 i would look at one of them, they are smaller thatn the other tangs, and more docile(IMO), nad look very prety in person(all pics i have seen look like garbagein comparison)