algae good or bad?


New Member
Hi everyone,
I have a question about green algae and hair algae, I think its called. Are these bad for your tank, if so how do I get rid of them?
I also have been noticing what looks to be like a minature star fish in my tank I havent seen the entire body but I see small white legs appearing from my live rock, has anyone ever seen this before? Or know what it may be?:rolleyes:


Green Algae isn't necessarily bad unless it starts to take over the tank. It will use up some of the CO2 in the tank in give off O2, and will also help keep down the unsightly other algaes by competing for nutrients. If it does become a problem research some of the cleaner critters that are right for the type of algae you have. As to the LR critter, could be a brittle star in the rock or more likely some kind of worm wriggling around, I've got bunches in my rock, they are harmless and usually a good sign.


Active Member
there is nothing wrong with algae, per se. they actually help the chemistry of your tank. the reason people don't want it in their tank is is unattractive, much more so if it is all over the place, and will cloud the glass, making it harder to see in the tank
2. it can cover animals that require light to survive and starve them of the light.
3. it is a sign that something is wrong with the eco-system in the tank (too much phosphates, wrong lighting, etc)
to get rid of them, try a cocktail of "clean up critters" see my signature to read what is working for me. If you have compatible fish in your tank, i highly recommend a lawnmower blenny (also called an algae or sailfin blenny). they have great personalities, and really take a bite ;) out of the algae in the tank.