algae growing


I have a 75 gallon i set up on 9/28/02. it has 55 lbs of live rock and 80 lbs of live sand.I have green brown hair and slime algae growing all over the rocks and powerheads.I have 440 watts of v.h.o and a custom sealife u.v. i'm going to purchase the turbofloater protein skimmer by the end of this week.My tank numbers is this amm 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, salt 1.022, phosphate .02,alk 2.5 temp 78. I use r.o water and kent marine products. i really need help to get rid of this mess, what is causing it?


Your tank is still relatively new...probably still going through its numerous algae cycles. Also, any phosphates will cause growth of unwanted algae. Do you have a clean up crew of any type? You could also try reducing the photo period of your tank (assuming you don't have any light sensitive inverts).


i have 20 astrea snails,10 red foot moon snails,10 blue leg crabs,10 scarlet crabs,green star polyps which don't open anymore, brown polyps,mushrooms and a green porite coral.


Active Member
Your tank is 45 days old - still very young as Pstanley stated.
Didn't see your pH level ?
The green star polyps closed down is another sign that something in the water is not ideal.
If it was me - I'd back off on the lighting duration a lot.
I'd stop using any additives as well - except buffers if required.
I'd try to maintain the pH up around 8.3 by using marine buffers.
Don't let the pH drop down below 8.0
Increase water circulation if you have dead spots.
Use a phosphate sponge media material for a few days then remove it.
Possibly do a paartial water change - testing for phosphates before adding to tank - and slowly raise the specific gravity up to around 1.025 by adding saltwater top offs for lost evaporated water.
Remove as much alage by hand or siphon.
What Kent Marine Products are you using ? and at what dosages ?
How long are you lighting the tank with the 440 VHO ?
No fish ? Are you feeding the tank anything ?


on 11/11/02 my readings ph 8.3,amm 0,nitrite 0, nitrates 0, alk 3.2, ca 350-400, phosphates .02, salt 1.022, temp 78. I did a 20 gallon water change on 11/10/02. I'm using a red sea wavemaster pro with 3 maxi jet 1000 powerheads. there is no phosphates in my r.o. water. I'm dosing kalkwasser with kent marines aquadoser. I use liquid calcium, essential elements,lugol solution, super strontium with molybedenum, and super buffer dkh. MY fish are a bicolor angelfish, royal gramma, bicolor blenny, and a arrow crab. My lights are on for 9 hrs a day.


New Member
The quickest wat to get the green algae off your live rock is to get a couple of yellow tangs. They will have it off the rocks in a week. At least it worked for me.


I'm no expert but I had a problem with algae and I bought about 40 snails, several of the big mex turbo and various others and they have almost cleaned off all the rock, I got a clean up crew at It took about a month, I also cut back on the lights till they started to make headway with the algae. I have a 125 reef setup, Good luck ..I still could use some more snails I think.