Algae growth on purpose


I would like to get thoughts on this. Taking some clean rocks, no chemicals, and placing them in a bucket of pre mixed SW and placing them outside in the summer sun with an air stone. Letting algae grow on the rocks and then placing the rocks back in the tank for the herbivores to munch on.


Active Member
shep, what would be the point of this? are you talking about for algae eating fish? if so, like Who Dey said, just get some algae sheets. sun raised algae (like the one you get from putting your tank too close to a window, or having your lights on too long) is something that you should strive to AVOID, not encourage.


ok so i have a question, my tank is 2 months its 100g i have a purple lobster, bi color angel, lunear wrasse, and a maroon clown. i've noticed some greenish algea starting to grow is it time for a water change?



Originally posted by shep77
I would like to get thoughts on this. Taking some clean rocks, no chemicals, and placing them in a bucket of pre mixed SW and placing them outside in the summer sun with an air stone. Letting algae grow on the rocks and then placing the rocks back in the tank for the herbivores to munch on.

It would most likely jsut grow something annoying like hair algae and then you just screwed yourself.


i did one a few weeks ago all my levels seem to be fine ph is a little low though will that make algae grow? i got some hair on my ph's and like a greenish on the rock and glass....what would you suggest to raise ph?


Active Member
Low ph is often a sign of inadequate water circulation. CO2 produces carbonic acid when mixed with water.


yes i have ro what i'm going to do i just made an order, i will add two more ph's change out my carbon and do a water many gallons yall think?

who dey

Active Member
no less than 30% and i swear you would think i work for phosban as many references i have given to the product on posts tonight, get it! it really works well. ok i'm done with the phosban recommendations, really!!