The most limiting factor of microalgae growth is phosphates in the tank. Phosphates are a combination of phosphorous and oxygen. The problem is that phosphates are in just about everything you put into the tank from supplements to fish food.
Do yourself a favor and buy a phosphate test kit and test every week. If you have more than 1.0 phosphates you will need to do water changes. If you have less than 1.0 you can buy a commercial phosphate absorbing resin like phos-guard.
Keep in mind that if you have corals, phosphates are poisonous to them. In fact, many professionals refer to phosphates as "crystal poison".
Also, take a bucket and fill it with the purified water that you use for topoffs. Test it for should read zero.
If you use supplements in your tank water, add a dose of each of them to the water and the phosphates should still read zero after another test.
If either the water or supplements test positive for phosphates, it is time to start looking elsewhere for water/supplements.