Algae on sand... help?


OK.. i have a 24 gal aquapod... ive had some algae problems in the past. Water changes, etc, they come they go.
Lately I have algae blooming again. The problem is, it grows on the sand and not anywhere else.
Is there any reason for this and is there anything that can be done besides trying to syphon out the stuff?
Also, i know what cyano looks like and this is not cyano. It is green and filamentous.


Active Member
Cyano can be a dark green , are you positive it is not cyano if it is cut your light time and focus flow to the bottom of the tank , I know this may be hard , I also have the 12 g aquapod and it is hard to direct the flow if you dont replace the stick return with Locline or the equivalent


i have sand sifters. they do nothing. It very much looks like hair algae. And my angelfish eats it. (my emerald crab and hermits do too) but it grows fast..... ill try cuttin down lights.. how many hours a day tho?
Oh, I also just changed lights from the 72watts that the aquapod originally comes with to a 150watt metal halide lamp... wonder if the lighting change will help at all

payton 350

yeah lighting could be your problem. New lights almost always will cause an algae outbreak unless gradually introduced...i would say 5-7 hours max , and cut down on any possible phospates introduced to the water ie, flake food