Algae on sand


My tank has been set up since Feb 02. I have about 75lbs of live rock I have aragonite sand recently I have had brown algae growing on my sand.Is this normal or is there somthing wrong?


What you are experiencing is Diatoms...It is normal in most is a Quote From one of Beaslbob's Reply to a similar thread
Most new tanks to have a brown algae bloom when first set up. Usually at about the 3-4 week point. From what i hear the browns consume phosphates. the algae will turn green as phosphates are removed from the system. The greens consume more the nitrAtes.


Oops that Copy and Paste Didn't work, Let me try it again :notsure:
Most new tanks to have a brown algae bloom when first set up. Usually at about the 3-4 week point. From what i hear the browns consume phosphates. the algae will turn green as phosphates are removed from the system. The greens consume more the nitrAtes.
In order to prevent all of that you need to add or establish plant life you like. In that way the extremely beneficial plant action can continue. And you will have plant life you like to look at.
The algaes can be removed with cleaner crews or even manually cleaning everything. Unless there is plant life like macros, true marine plants, or even corraline algae consuming the nitrates, ammonia, phosphates and carbon dioxide, the previous plant life will just return or high nitrates, phosphates and carbon dioxide will result.
So my advice is to add plant life and protect that plant life. I first cultured myin because my fish ate the plant life. Now I have intank and external refugiums to help also. But whatever you do my advice is that you take care of the plant life and the plant life will take care of your system.


Yea, if you need more info on Diatoms which I am guessing you do, do a search on the site, and you will find some really "REALLY" good information! That is how I learned!