Algae on Silicone Seam?


So I siliconed the corners of my acrylic tank after I repaired it with weldon (bad advice from the glass shop on the silicone decision). Anyways, the silicone now has some green algae on it - kind of yellow almost and I have never seen this. It is 100% silicone. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Wahoowa
So I siliconed the corners of my acrylic tank after I repaired it with weldon (bad advice from the glass shop on the silicone decision). Anyways, the silicone now has some green algae on it - kind of yellow almost and I have never seen this. It is 100% silicone. Any thoughts?

I don't know how old your tank was...but Coraline algae likes plastic and will develop on plastic first before the glass. That might be what you are seeing. As long as it doesn't is good.