Algae on walls



I just started to notice a little algae growing on the walls. I can only see it when I look at the tank from one of the sides looking through lenght wise. I was told this is normal and just to wait it out. Should or can I scrub it or should I just let it go, my snails seem to be cleaning it anyway. I brought my water to my lfs and he said people would kill to have parameters like I have, everything is perfect except my salinity is a bit high which I am taking out a few gallons a day and replacing it with r/o till the salinity lowers.


The algae is a good thing...
I leave 3 sides of my tank al-natural for my algae eating friends.
This is up to you. I like the look. I like knowing my snails and other creatures have plenty of food.
Just my .02
Kim :D


snails or hermits wont touch it if its very long, so you still want to control it a bit..


I agree if it is hair algae...but if it is just the short green algae covering the glass your snails will eat it...for my 55 I have 8 turbos in there to keep it clean.
How many do you have?
Is your algae hair algae?
Kim :D


Hi Kim,
I guess I have around 30 or so snails right now. The tank is a 220 gallon. It has been running now for about 4 weeks. I only have about 83lbs of live rock in there, I need a lot more. It seems the snails like the rocks too. The algae isn't hair algae just little spots on the glass. :D


I really think your fine.. Nature taking it's course.
Relax, if it starts getting out of control remove it.
Yep, I am with kimmie on this one we only clean the front and the snails take care of the rest, and our valentinie puffer loves to peck at this too,,cya :D