Algae Problem? Please help


New Member
My 30 gal tank is only about 2 months old.
I have some live rock (not much), live sand, a few hermit crabs and a few snails.
Also have two clowns.
I don't have any test kits yet, but the LFS is very friendly and knowledgeable, and tests my water any time I want it.
They say it is fine.
My tank is in my living room, NO windows anywhere near it.
However, within the last few days, greenish brown growth is starting to show up every where, on the rocks, the glass, everywhere! I took my magnet and wiped the front glass, but it did not wipe off. I can scrape it off easily with my fingernail though.
Is this algae? Is it a problem?
What should I do?
Here are some pictures of it...don't know if this helps or not.
Thanks in advance



Add at least 30 turbos and you will be amazed how they tear up that algae.
ALL tanks (with lights) have that algae. You need to add the critters that will eat it.


New Member
Thanks for the response.
I failed to mention that I'm new to this hobby.
What are "turbos"? and is this algae a problem?


Hi---that looks like a diatom bloom---usually in new tanks because of untested-for nutrients in the water. It WILL go away--just be patient. In the meantime I would increase the CUC (nessarius snails are great), be sure that the total tank flow is adequate so that there are no dead spots, and if your not already doing it, consider using RO/DI water.
Lastly, shorten your lighting cycle if possible---as soon as the nutrients are gone, the bloom will die off.


New Member
well, being new to this hobby, I wasn't sure.
I think I've already gone through a "diatom" stage. brown growth on my live sand.
That went away a few weeks ago.
This, however, is more green in color. And it is on the rocks, sand and glass.
I'm not near a window at all, but guess it's coming from my lights?
I'll try and lower the light cycle and get some more snails.
My hermits killed my snails I think.
I only have 2 snails right now and 5 hermits.


Blue legs kill snails mostly. I swiched out my hermits for nassarius snails. They are also meat eaters.
Anyway...These are turbo snails. They will make short work of that algae.
I never had a 30 gallon, but you might wanna research and see if there are any algae eaters (fish) that can go in one.
I set up my tank a few months ago, got the green algae, and like you it's also on the sand. I kinda gently stir up the sand with my glass scraper, but I recently added only 22 snails (150 gallon!) and I cannot believe how much they have already taken care of.. I need about 100 more, but I get them as I can afford them...