Algae problem, what's up?

I have had my 125g w/100lbs lr running for over 6 months now with a 5" naso and a 4-5" changing emperor angel with no problems except for one thing, brown algae. I have brown hair algae all over my lr and have to constantly clean the glass every few days. I do not know why I have this problem as the person I bought the tank from had the same lights and used tap water as I do and actually had more fish than I do(and his lr had tons of purple and pink coralline algae all over it and little to no brown algae at all). So what the heck is the problem with my tank and how do I get the brown algae to stop growing and get purple and pink coralline algae to take it's place. I have had the following water parameters since cycling was finished over 6 months ago: ammonia-o, nitrite-0, nitrate-0, ph-8-8.2, temp-78*, 1.023-1.025sg. I have 2 36" bulbs that are std flourescent 10,000k bulbs(don't know the wattage) that are end to end that fit inside the 72" hood of the tank. Also, on a few occasions I have added amounts of Kent Liquid calcium to the tank as well to promote the coralline algae growth but to no avail. So if anyone has any tips or reasons as to why I have this annoying brown algae growth and no purple coralline algae, I would appreciate it. The only thing I can think of is to get some 50/50 light bulbs and use RO water, instead of tap water. But in Robert Fenner's Conscientious Marine Aquarist, he states the tap water vs RO isn't going to change water quality, but I don't know if I believe that after months of this brown crap all over. Thanks, Jollygreen


i added some more snales and blue legged hermits, on top of whay i already had, and that did the job for me. they mowed right through the stuff. just an idea