Algae problem..


So.. I had a red algae problem and I used some red slime to get rid of it. Now where the red algae use to be.. became green algae.. how do I get rid of it.? It's not hair or bubble algae.. just regular algae.. it's all over my sand.. I tried to vacuum it and my sand will look all gunky and it'll come back in a few days.. what should I do?!?!?!?!

nacl freak

Give a little more info. How old is tank,size, lighting and feeding schedule, how often do you do water changes, amt of flow in tank. All of these can affect algae.


55G, Fluval FX5, Aquac Remora skimmer, T5 lightings, feed my desjardinii and two clowns once a day, 8 peppermint shrimps, 2 skunk cleaner shrimps, numerous number of hermits and a dozen of snails (give or take some that died). 10% water change every week.

nacl freak

Try decreasing lighting schedule for several days. Larger water changes and more flow. I had a problem at one time that resolved with no more than increasing the amt of flow.


No, I only use tap water with dechlorinator to top off. Other than that I buy premixed water my LFS mixes.


veni vidi vici

Active Member
How long has the tank been set up? If its a freshly set up tank ,then its a natural progression .Even so if you can stop using tap water ,no mater how minute the quantity that would help your cause.


The tank has been up and running for about 6 months now, including cycling period. I cycled the tank for about 2 months or so. Is that still considered "new"? Would buying "drinking water" from walmart be ok? I believe they are RO water.


So, what should I do if it's blue-green algae?? I did my 10% water change yesterday.. I tried to scoop up as much algae as I can get..there are still chunks left in there.. though I'm sure it'll be back in a few days.
On the rock, I saw little fuzz on the algae.. not exactly hair algae.. but I'm afraid it might eventually turn into it. I also caught a bubble algae and popped it later on. There was one and only one bubble algae that I saw.. I just cut my lights back from 11:30 - 8ish to 12- 6pm. What else should I do..? I bought 6 extra turbo snails yesterday.. I also got some sand snails that does not seem to stay in the sand.. what should I do?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by litoallie
The tank has been up and running for about 6 months now, including cycling period. I cycled the tank for about 2 months or so. Is that still considered "new"? Would buying "drinking water" from walmart be ok? I believe they are RO water.
Yes your tank is still young.I would watch how much you feed , try and control excess nutrients and phosphate.........I would also try and invest in a RO unit,i cant comment on bottled water because i havent used it or tested it.


i also got slim problem, i just bought all my parameters are excellent.
0 nites
0 natrates
0 ammonia
8.1 ph
1.021 salt
0 phosphate
and i also bought the red slim product, i added it today, we'll see how it work, i do believe it's a flow problem, i got 150 gallon tank with 30g sump with alot of spagetti algea and protein skimmer.
i would think that the best thing to do is to add some more flow.


Ok, well I guess I'll swing by my LFS on Friday and try to get a power head to make more flow.. what brand do u suggest? ..
Also, the red slime product works great. Took care of my red algae in 2 days, but like I said it turned into blue-green alage. I really want my nice white sand bed back.. should I add more sand?