Algae Question


I have been running just the Aqua C Remora protein skimmer on my 55g for the past 2 months and everything is fine. The one complaint is that the sides of my tank get covered in algae every other day. Would it help to add a bio-wheel filter to improve water clarity and reduce the algea. I have a cleanup crew about 20 hermits, 4 mexican turbos, 12 Astrea Snails and 12 margarita snails, 1 fighting conch, 8 Nassarius Snails, and 2 emerald crabs.


Active Member
A Bio-Wheel would not help at all. The micro algae that covers the glass is normal. Just clean it off with a magnet cleaner... if it is or becomes excessive, look at your water quality (ie phosphates, nitrates, silicates, etc).


I am using RO/DI water. I had the TDS tested by my LFS and they said they were fine. So whats the purpose of a hang on filter?


Active Member
The hang on filters really have three functions. Mechanical filtration (the pads), chemical filtration (carbon, etc) and bio-filtration (bio-wheel).
You can run a hang on filter with or without the bio-wheel, pads or carbon... or with any combination you want.


The first two are self explanatory, but what is bio-wheel filtration? And don't I get filtration from my LR and protein skimmer?:thinking:


Active Member
Not Bio-wheel filtration... Bio-Filtration. Simply it's the bacteria buildup that preforms the nitrogen cycle.
Yes, you get filtration from your LR and skimmer. I do not like nor recommend running hang on filters. I do run and recommend running carbon but there are many ways to do that.


sorry I misread. Been a Long Day. I was hoping to just use the skimmer and LR for filtration. I am also getting a hang-on fuge. Can you explain more about the carbon.