algae question?


New Member
I have noticed some really dark algae growing on the back of some of my base rock. It is a very deep green almost looking black in color does anyone know what it is and if it is bad for my tank. Thanks in advance for your help


New Member
what is your setup
what do you have in it
how old is it
what are the water perameters
good luck
125 gal. tank canister and hang on fuge
2 mandarins, scooter blenny, six line wrasse, engineer goby, 3 percula clowns, and a hippo tang (all juveniles)
hammer coral,bubble,lots of mushrooms and zoos
almost 4 months
everything is good ph 8.2 nitrites 0 nitrates 0 to 5 calcium 430


Active Member
Sounds like you don't have enough flow in your tank and food and waste is building up on your rock.What do you have for a cleaning crew & power heads in the tank?Is it only in the back of the tank.


New Member
Sounds like you don't have enough flow in your tank and food and waste is building up on your rock.What do you have for a cleaning crew & power heads in the tank?Is it only in the back of the tank.
I have about 20 hermit crabs and 2 sand sifting starfish, 2 serpent stars, and a brittle star, 12 turbo snails
2 powerheads I thought the circulation was good but it must not be enough for the back of the tank
Tomorrow I'll use one of the powerheads and blow it off and then do a water change