Algae Question


I recently had greenalgae sort of come up over a period of time and am pretty sure it is due to my bulbs age and a one going bad.
(they are about 10 months old.) My question - after I take care of the bad bulbs - what do I do to remove the algae that has slowly started to cover the bottom of the tank and even crept onto a few rocks? Will the stronger light kill it off ?


the stronger lights may fuel the algae, depending on what is really fueling the growth. what is your source of water? how old is your tank? have you made any significant changes to your tank? more or less fish, live rock, etc.. are all your filters clean? all this plus more can have an effect on the algae growth. if you are using carbon, make sure it is fairly fresh. i would also recommend some more circulation. the 2 900s don't seem like enough to me. i got 2 1200s in my 20. my tank is super clean. i rarely do water changes, and use bottled distilled for top offs. i also could recommend some phosphorus absorbing media (phos-zorb), which could cut back the algae growth. you could test for phosphorus first if you want, or just use it as a preventive thing. i checked out your page for your tank, nice! the stand looks good. did you build that yourself?


No the tank has been pretty stable for a couple of months - by this I mean I have not added fish etc. I use RO water for top offs and water changes as well


what about the circulation, and are the filters clean? what about your water parameters? some hermits are an easy solution. if it's growing slowly. most people don't like hermits, but they would work. some more info might help otherwise.