Originally Posted by Amphibious
Removing certain kinds of algae is not bad. Having an aboundance of algae to remove is a sign that something is amuck in the system. Give me some idea of what you are dealing with. It would be helpful to know the size of your tank, the filtering system, are you running a skimmer, how often are you changing water and how much? Also, what are the water parameters in the tank, PH, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, salinity, Calcium, Alkalinity, Magnesium? All these entertwine in the mix of what is in your tank causing the algae to bloom. What and how many critters do you have in the tank, fish, invertebrates, corals, cleanup crew and how often are you feeding the tank and what? It may sound complicated but, it really isn't. You just have to know these things. I have to know them if you want me to help.
My setup is a 145 fowlr. I have a 5" clown trigger, 9" surge wrasse, and a 8" porcupine puffer. The only problem I have with algae is the aesthetics. I have various types growing in various places. Green algae grows on sand bed, brown and green on glass, and some purple on the back closer to the lights. I know I should be using RO/DI water but my tap water is pretty good, just has some some phosphates. I perform 15% monthly water changes. I am running the Reef Devil Deluxe Skimmer, which kicks out foam in spurts, maybe a gallon or two a month.
PH 8.2
SAlininty: 1.019
DOn't test for others because I only keep fish, no inverts or coral beside LR
I feed twice a day, two whole fresh shrimp or supplement with Silversides, clam, or scallops. What should the algae situation be in this tank given all these parameters? How do I minimize this to give a show tank appearence?
Oh yeah, my filtration is a sump w/ bioballs, driven by a pump registering 1000 gallons/hour.