

New Member
I recieved advice on my hair algae problem but now this morning I am noticing a burgandy colored slime patch with air bubbles eminating from it and a charcoal grey set of patches that is overtaking my gonopora and on a couple other places. I was told the hair algae was from phosphates and to get an ro unit. I tested for phosphtes and there arent any. these problems all started with the upgrade in lighting system. Reading the board I started out on a 12hr cycle and lowered it down to 10. I will be getting an ro unit this weekend. Will this solve the slime problem also


Active Member
I am in the midst of fighting a large cyano (red slime) outbreak myself. Do a search for cyano, and you will probably find a million answers to each question you have. Folks have realy helped me out on this board with a lot of info, links, etc. You'd like the info too. Search should take care of it. But, man, do you ever want to nip it in the bud.


Active Member
An upgrade in lighting will almost always cause an algae out break because your system takes time to adjust. You may be getting some diatom algae and the red stuff sounds like cyanobacteria. Cyano often starts in low flow areas so you may want to redirect your powerheads to compensate. If your tank is less than three months old you may still be getting some break in algae as well. My tank went through about 5 or 6 types of algae breaking in. Even though you have no phosphates you may still have silicates in your current water which is the other big contributor to algae problems. The RO unit will help because you are eliminating the algaes food source. Good luck!