Algae thrown away?

if anyone has some calerpa,ulva or grac that they do not want i am willing to give it a good home or some really pretty stuff for my DT
PM me if you do and i will pay for shipping,i am in the middle of a nitrate spike for some reason,no fish died and i dont feed but 2 times per week and only as much as the fish will eat in 5 mins(i feed mysid shrimp) and live rotifers for the corals,corals are not happy! so i need it ASAP, done 2 - 1/3rd changes in 5 days and still at 25 ppm


Active Member
might be due to the "no sales, trades, or freebies" rule from's admins...
especially since it can be sold elsewhere, not too many people just throw it out.
i'd though be suspect of your nitrate spike... what do you use for filtration? what do you use for test kits? 25ppm shouldn't be upsetting your corals, heck mine is probably higher than that and my corals grow like weeds.
well darn i was hoping somebody had a little bit of calerpa they might let me have, i have a canister filter that runs about 800gph and it has carbon,i also run a phos filter that i change weekly and my skimmer is a coralife 150
the only fish i have are 2 small blue satian damsles and 2 smaller clowns
and 1 pep shrimp and 1 cleaner,got rid of my hermits ans they kept picking and running over my corals,also one damsle is eating my clove polyp so its going to find a new home too. the test i use is by sera
any help would be nice i have a fuge that i put my frags in and i have room for some kind of algea,the spike was very fast!,it happened in 2 days when i when out of town now some of my zoos wont even open


Active Member
drop me an email at *** Sorry but giving out your email for the purpose of selling/trading things is not allowed, even if you are not the one making money from it. -Sep i have a supplier that may help
as for you nitrate spike dose your tank with prime this will detoxify nitrates and ammonia in your tank until you can get it under control