Algae won't go away

Does anyone have a good way of removing algae from my tank? I bought a clean up crew but they are more interested in crawling on the LR than eating algae from the sides. I scrape them clean everyday but the algae is back the next day.


If your main problem is algae on the glass then i wouldn't say its a bad problem. you are lucky if you don't have hair algae on the live rock. I"m going to break something soon if i can't get that crap under control.


fishfood are you overfeeding? how often do you do water changes?
i had some hair alge growing in our tank (been running skimmerless) i cut back on the feeding and changed my water changes. went from 5% a week to 10% and that seemed to dissappear pretty quick. i dont know if that will work for you but you could try it