We have just started a 55 gallon fish only tank. Its only been running with fish for about three weeks give or take a few days. we have begin to notice dark red almost brown algae beginning to grow on all of our crushed coral and decorations. is this normal to have during the cycling process? will it hurt anything?
thanks for your help!


Chances are it is either a diatom bloom or Red slime (cynobateria sp?) If your tank is still cylcing i wouldn't worry yet. Give it some more time and see what happens. If it is red slime you need to cut down your lighting time and that should help drasticly.


New Member
Diatoms for a fact. Its probally perfers white surfaces the most. If you want like my man said cut down on lighting. I like to see diatoms they 're just part of the cycle.
After diatom stage don't be suprised if you see other wierd stages along the way!!!
yeah, we have some white crushed coral mixed with blue dolomite. we also have some ceramic decor that is off white, and barnacles that are combination of white and pink. so that would explain the amuont of them showing up. thanks everyone!!