

Active Member
i have a bunch of little red and brown areas popping up on my live rock. they are very small but are multiplying, and they look to be fuzzy. they are appearing on the top of my rock(where the light hits), which leads me to believe it is algae. should i turn my uv light back on? should i get rid of it? should i leave it alone?
also where the light hits the rock the rock looks all white as if it is dead, coincidence or is the lighting killing the rock?
there are also a bunch of little flakes floating around my tank. are these things pieces of dead rock? they are white and look like dead skin. what are they coming from? any other info would be great, thanks


Staff member
How old is your tank? What type lighting do you have? Give some more details, including water readings, age of tank, lighting, what is in tank--fish, other organisms, etc. ?


Active Member
tank is very new, about 1 month old. i have 2 50/50's and 2 10,000k's. ammonia - 0, nitrite - too high for the chart, nitrate - too high for the chart, and ph - 8.1 - 8.2
im in the middle of my cycle, no fish.
200 lbs live rock
290 pounds live sand.
tap water
someone said might be cynobacteria.