

New Member
another question for my marine friends! I live in EL PAso <TX thats my problem. But any way my 55g tank has alot of brown algae I have a protein skimmer and I have been using Algone in my filter (Its and an Emperor) It seems about every two days my coral and crushed coral get covered with brown algae and of course the glass is constantly covered so I am cleaning all the time. I take out some of the coral and it just washes off. What can I do to stop this or is this a problem that won't go away. I use water through a reverse osmosis too. Any suggestsions>


Mine was like that too till I got my clean up crew from here. Do you have a clean up crew? If you dont have snails or hermits you are screwed!
Big 20 + 1
20 Scarlet Reef Hermits
20 Blueleg Hermits
20 Turbo/Astrea Snails
2 Emerald
1 Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
My Rocks are white again!!!!
have you replaced the filters for the reverse osmosis lately? When the filters wear out all the silicates and phosphates are left unfiltered. Every time you add water you will be adding silicates and phosphates. I bought a cheap ro unit on ---- and the filters wore out in 4 months I had diatoms and green hair everywhere. Eliminate the silicates and the diatoms will go away, i have since switched to store bought ro water and haven`t seen algae since.