

Hello all i am posting this due to a very large amout of green and brown alge (diatom).. it's killing me. I had bought a window magnet cleaner the other day and WOW it was crazy.. I was thinking of just killing the tank and zap it all with copper yet couldn't do it. I keep telling my self that there another way to take care of this. I am REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO CLEAR THIS... I HAD PUT IN A CHEM PURE BAG AND REALLY DIDN'T WORK.. ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS PLEASE..


If its truly diatoms then youve got a water problem, silicates and silicic acid. You need to use RO/DI water. I'm sure you know having messy eaters and Crushed coral don't help any. It's just my opinion but you may be batteling algea on a permanant basis with that combination. So
What kind of water are you using?
Do you vaccum that crushed coral?
What are your test scores for nitrates and phosphates?
What is your lighting like, how old are the bulbs, spectrum, watts?
Chemi-pure may help with the doc's, you may want to run chemi-clean depending on the problem.
Ah I see the lighting now but how about age of bulbs? what is the K rating?