Algea, algea, algea


New Member
I seem to be losing my battle against algea. I have a 120g with a blue tang, ayellow tang, a coral beauty, one clown and a goby. The tank has been set up for about three years but last year, after getting hit by two hurricanes, I lost all my fish. Since then, my beatiful corlaline is almost all gone. I have hair algea growing all over my rocks and brown algea on the deep sand bed. I, ve been doing water changes every two weeks and even installed a phosphate reactor. My water readings are fine. I am about to give up. HELP!


Active Member
srry to here ur loss, but i would get a fox face or yellow tang because the eat alge great. I RECOMMEND FOXFACE but emerald crabs are great too. also i would try to find the problem. was it all at once or over a long period of time? are your bulbs worn out and need replacing. again i would find the problem and try to fix it by combining alge eaters into it.