algea bloom


I have a 90 gallon fowlr working up to a reef. The tank has been set-up for 7 to 8 weeks. I have a 90# lr, royal gramma, 2 perc, 1 yellow clown goby, yellow watchman goby and misc. snails crabs and shrimp. Water parameters are ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 0-5, ph 8.1 and salanity 1.024. The algea is on the glass color blind so could be red or brown and the same on the sand with some areas of black. I increased the troubled areas with water flow and its been a battle with the sand blowing everywhere but Ive managed to kill off most, but only with the help of shuttung off the lights every other day. Since the tank is new will this algea eventually go away? I use ro water for mix and top off. I am switching over to rodi. Will this solve the algea problems? Sorry for the book just wanted to give as much info as I could. Thank you for any help.
It is common for a newly established tank to have some problems in the begininng with algae. RODI will certainly help, but wont 100% solve it. It has to be a combonation of things.
Filtration, need a good skimmer, fuge and good amount of LR/LS
Feeding, dont overfeed
Lighting, bulbs could be on too long, cut back to about 6 hours a day for atleast 3 weeks. Were the bulbs brand new? What is their kelvin dgree
Bio Load, might need to cut back on some fish
Check the phosphates, they can be feeding algae.
Cleanup Crew- a sea cucumber will help remove algae and stuff from the sand bed, look into one. Emerald crabs and snails/hermits as well.
The list goes on, do a search on this forum on battling algae, hair algae or cyanobacteria, see what it is that your is and determin what you need to do to fix the problem.


I run 384 watts of pc light with 2x 10,000k and 2x blue atinics brand new same age as the tank.
I feed once a day and what the fish dont eat the shrimp,crabs and snails take care of. I have 90# lr with 2 skimmers running one a Titan and one a cheap seaclone from my QT tank and a fluva 404 for mechanical filtration and carbon. The powerheads and skimmers along with the fluva 404 give me 2340 gph = 26 turn over. I wouldnt think the 5 fish would even come close too a bio-load problem. I also have two queen conchs that seem to roam the sand pretty well. I know the ro water has 6ppm phosphates and that is why Iam switching to rodi. I didnt have this problem with my fo tank. I guess I just have to keep playing with the powerheads until I find the right combination. Thank for your reply.