Algea/Cloudiness Issues :(


hey everybody, semi new to saltwater reefkeeping!
29 gallon tank has been running for approx. 5 months, have lots of live rock, 1 gbta, 1 frogspawn, 2 mushrooms, 1 kenya tree, and 2 clowns. i believe the tank has already cycled but i am having major issues with brownish hair algea growing mainly from the sand on some of the live rock. this stuff is growing like crazy! i thought it was phosphates, so i inserted a phosphate pad in my protein skimmer, but it still stays there for the most part, any suggestions, help please! :(
nitrates & nitrites-0
alk-solid :)
thanks people!


Do you use tap water or RO/DI water for your tank? If tap, that's more than likely your problem, if not, maybe too much lighting throughout thew day.. A good rule of thumb is to not have the tank's light on more than 8 hours/day if you use power compacts, and I know a lot of people do 6 hours a day/halides mixed in with some flourescent lighting. Do a series of water changes and reduce lighting to the tank for a number of days and syphon the algae out every so often and you should be ok.


C0uld be fl0w 0r maybe st0cking t00 fast and tank is still bec0ming established I have f0und th0se big mexican turb0s t0 be the best br0wn algea destr0yers


are you using tapwater?
try increasing flow (more or bigger powerheads), feed less, cut back on your lighting times, and do more frequent water changes.
and what kind of cleanup crew do you have? turbo snails are good for algae if you dont already have some.


i am using ro water, and i am typically lighting my tank for 9 hours a day, i will cut back on that to 8, thanks for the suggestions people!