algea eating fish


i need a algea eating fish like a tang but one that doesn't get that big and will eat algea like a tang is for a ten gallon reef. let me know if there is a good one out there, i'm going to get a firefish if there isn't any out there.


I dont know too much yet but i had a question earlier about a tang and I was told that 55 gal. was almost small for a tang...the need a lot of room to swim. i dont know a lot but thats my input


get you a star fish and add a few snails. also regulate your time spent with the lights on.
good luck. alge comes with ther territory.what sixe tank is it? there is a way to cut down. go check out there is some filtration out that can reduce alge growth. it is costly however the filter can be made with a 24/7 light and mud. just check it out. and do some research and you maybe able to make it work. i am going to try it on my 300g
see ya!


Active Member
I believe he said it was a 10 gallon...I was thinking I wish their were plecostomos or Plecos in the saltwater world... (fyi; those who don't know what a pleco's a fish that sucks to the glass and eats algae. I had one pleco that ate all the algae in my 29..and there was a ton! Someone needs to find a saltwater pleco!
answer for ur question... I just use snails and hermits.