Algea needs to go


New Member
Ok I have a 10gal reef I have a few ricordea, a small colony of yellow polyps, a false perc, and a banded goby 5 snails and 2 blue leg hermits. I started to grow some serious algea, the figer algea I believe it is called and I can't for the life of me get ride of it. Its starting to overwhelm my tank and I really don't want it too. Should I cut it or is there an invert I can get or anything that will help me with this.
Also are aiptasia or bristle worms a good sign of anything. I know they are primarilly bad but do they indicate good/bad water quality or anything?


Algae will improve water quality ... but is unsightly...
Do you use RO/DI water? Are you feeding too much? These are a couple of things that can contribute to conditions that are favorable for undesireable algae.