algea on lr


i was wondering i have 46 bow and have 50 lbs of lr and i have algea on it what can i use to get rid of it and another question will a snowflake eel be ok in a reef i know it will eat small fish and shripm but i wont put those in i want to know if it will eat corals or anemone thank you for your help


New Member
What kind of algae is it? Do you have a picture of it? How long has the tank been set-up? In a new aquarium algae comes in stages and is part of the cycle. Give it time it will go away on it's own. Just do weekly water changes and keep your protein skimmer or other filtration media clean.
As far as the eel goes, I have seen them in reef tanks, but to keep them friendly you need to feed the daily , but they are jumpers so be careful. If it were me, I would not put one in a reeftank.