algea problems


I have long green algea over some of the rocks and back glass. Some of it has a brown tint, but still mostly green. I have high water movement. whats the best way to get rid of it.


New Member
my buddy had the same problem he got some hermit crabs and a Emerald crab and the problem wnt away fairly quickly. also shorten the time that ur lights are on that will also help.


If your tank is less than 6 months old, this is a stage that the tank must go through. Happens to every new tank. If those creatures mentioned above don't get it all, which they probably won't, then scrape it off. It should be sucked into your filter and then just clean your filter after it catches it all. Like they said, cut back your lighting and feed fish very sparingly. It'll get better. Are you using RO/DI water or tap water?