algy plissssssssssssss help


Active Member
what does this algae look like? What color, feel, ect?
What are your levels? particularly nitrates. Is the tank near a window?what is your lighting schedual? How old is your tank? what is your turnover rate? The best way to get rid of algae, is adressing the cause.


Active Member
Phosphates may also be an issue. Do you have a test for that? Phosphates should be at zero. Please post water parameters, best way to address a problem like algea. Is this hair algea that you have (green, hairy looking?).
Lisa :happyfish


New Member
the alge is on my rock and on the sand there used to be hair alge in it but not no more but the sand is all slammy looking and its brown
i have a clean up crew in the tank but i think its small
my levels are not the best but it's ok
when i get home il do a watter test an then post them here


Active Member
how new is the tank though? If it is brown my guess would be that it is not algae at all, but actualy diatoms. This come from using tap water or from just having a new tank. your cleanup crew will eat them, but you would obviously need a large enough one to do so.