Alittle Help Please


New Member
My daughter is starting in this (way of life) Hobby and wants to know where to order a tank online and all the things she will need.If anyone can help we would greatly appreciate it we are in maryland.and she wants a 30 gal. (aprox) reef tank.I bought mine at the local store and way over paid after talking to all the good people on this site.
Dad who needs to save a little


Active Member
One can get deals on lots of equiptment on line for this hobby, but not usually on tanks like the one you mentioned. It is an issue of shipping and handling the heavy glass tanks. I would shop locally for the tank and get the lights and filters etc. on line. Lesley


Get the tank locally so if anything goes wrong with it, you can return it.....If you get it online then no warranty....


Active Member
definitely shipping adds to the cost of tanks and often makes them mroe than if purchased locally. Plus as mentioned warranty(may stillb e there but) is not always easy to get taken care of on tanks, esp mal order.
the sources mentioned for used can be good or even great. Used tanks from those who are upgrading can be had real cheap. Our first 40 with all equipment was only 50 bucks. I have seen barely used 75 and 90 gallons for 125 and less with stands even.
Is there a reason that you want a 30? Is it space allowance, or cost, or jsut the MIS-assumption that smaller is better?