Alk Off The Charts Maybe Why Acro Dying


New Member
For the last few days we have been checking our water like crazy becuase acro is dying see other post. Last week my alk was low and my calcium was off the charts. NOW after testing for the last few days my calcium is 480 and my ALK is off the charts Salifert test does not even read it at all. My water is not changing colors one bit. I know now that this is effecting my acro. I don't know why it was not showing up for the last few days. Maybe my dumb A** was doing it wrong. I tested 3 times tonight to make sure. What can I do to get this right?
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a beautiful orange mont. that I dont want to die and I have a awesome green acro frag that seems to be ok but my blue acro pics in other post, as you can see needs help if it is not to late. I have posted a few pics of my other pieces here.



I would start doing a large water change to get the alkalanity back in line. You want it to be somewhere between 8-12dkh. The monti is definetly fading, but will come back if you can get your parameters in line.