alk question

Got my new test kits in the mail today, and ran every test I could. My alkilinity tested high (6.0 m/l), so I tested it again wih my old test kit and it was fine (3.0 meg/l). So I tested it again with the new one twice and it was high (5.0 and 5.5 m/l). I've been using Kent Tech C B 2-part calcium buffer over the last week or so (I dosed one day last week, Saturday, and again yesterday). I'm inclined to believe the alk reading from my new test kit, because the expiration date has passed on my old one. What's going on with my alkilinity and how do I fix it?
Here are the rest of my numbers:
-75g w/65 lbs. LR and 30-35 lbs. base rock
-temp. is 78 degrees and spec. gravity is 1.022
-ph = 8.2
-ammoia = 0
-Nitrites = 0
-Nitrates = 20 (will do a water change tomorrow, trying to lower these)
-Ca = 360
PO4 = 15 (also trying to lower this through water changes and using Phosguard)
The only wildlife in the tank right now is aprox. 25 scarlet hermits. Also, if anyone has any suggestions about other ways of lowering my nitrates and PO4, please chime in. I use RO water form a water company. I tested it too for nitrates (0) and PO4 (trace amounts).


Active Member
You can raise your calcium, in turn it should lower (or balance) your Alk.
A fuge is a good way to maintain a lower nitrate/ PO4 level. To bring them down I would stick with plan A and do some small water changes.


Well-Known Member
just wanted to agree with reefnut. Macro algae in either a fuge or even it the display will be the best way of helping your system.
I am dosing according to the label instructions, except that I'm not doing it every day. It says 10 ml (1 capful) per 40 gallons of each in the morning daily until levels are where you want them. So I use 2 capfuls of each (part A then B, A then B), just a shade under filled (since it's a 75g tank). I didn't do it daily because I wanted to raise the Ca level slowly so as not to shock things (I'm sure it's okay to do it daily, otherwise they wouldn't have printed that on the label, but I like to take things slowly). It's possible that things were outta whack before I began dosing (the old test kit said everything was okay, but it has expired). I plan to do about a 10 gallon water change today (mixed the water up yesterday) and then dose with the Kent. Is it possible to overdose, or will the Ca regulate the alk?
Thanks for the suggestions on the fuge, I have been thinking seriously about building one in the next week or so.
Man, I use a lot of parentheses!:p
Thanks, Guys. That was a great read. I guess I'll continue to do water changes (tell the bank I'm sorry) and adding the 2 part buffer and hopefully that'll get my accounts back in order.