

Just started my tank on Sat. 80 gal 100lbs LR 110lbs LS. My Amonia is staying at .5, PH 7.8, trates are saying 20-100 range, trites .5, and my alk is 'High' according to my Red Sea Marine Lab. Is Alk suppose to get high as well during the cycle?


Active Member
with AM at .5 and trIte at .5 your tank has not finished cycling... your pH is a little low should be around 8.2 to 8.4... typically alk will drop because the acid buffers get worn...


Active Member
No, you are only buffering the pH with Proper pH, I believe. Seachem's marine buffer is also more of a pH buffer as well. When I used it, it did very little to my alk.
Ultimately, what needs to happen though, is you need to fix the parameter that is out of whack, whether that be calcium, alk, etc. If you alk is low, buffer alk. If your calcium is too high, fix that problem.